Tuesday, September 8, 2009

QUAESTIO MIHI FACTUS SUM -- I have been made a question unto myself.

-- St. Augustine.

Religion is for lovers, for men and women of passion, for real people with a passion for something other than talking profits, people who believe in something, who hope like mad in something, who love something with a love that surpasses understanding.

There is no merit in loving moderately, up to a certain point, just so far.

Religion, I say at the risk of being misquoted, is for the unhinged. (That is, for lovers.)

Religion on my telling is a pact or covenant with the impossible. To have a religious sense of life is to long with a restless heart for a reality beyond reality, to tremble with the possibility of the impossible.

It is love that drives our search to know.

-- John D. Caputo, On Religion